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PRP Injections for Knee and Shoulder Pain

What is Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)?

Blood is primarily composed of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets carried by a liquid called plasma. The primary responsibility of platelets is to help blood to clot. Platelets also contain several important proteins including growth factors which can help to promote tissue healing and cytokines which signal different cellular functions.

Platelet rich plasma (PRP) is made by taking a sample of the patient’s blood and spinning it in a centrifuge. This separates the platelets from other blood cells. When combined with plasma, the PRP mixture that results has a five to ten-fold increased concentration of platelets. The process can be done in the office setting and takes approximately 10-15 minutes. The PRP can then be injected back into the body at various sites. The high concentration of growth factors and other chemicals can contribute to tissue healing and subsequent pain relief.

Is PRP therapy safe?

PRP therapy is very safe. It is not a drug. Because it is made from your own blood and injected into the site of your injury or degeneration, there is no risk of adverse reaction, or disease transmission.

Joint pain relief with pnp injections at Effingham Prompt Care

How does PRP work?

PRP injections soak injured cells in the concentrated plasma and the numerous growth factors to enhance one or more phases of bone and soft tissue healing. PRP also enhances proliferation of stem cells and fibroblasts to boost healing and regeneration of damaged tissues.

Platelets naturally accumulate and adhere to the site of an injury, where they release chemicals that regulate the mechanisms of healing including blood vessel development, cellular migration and proliferation. Additionally, studies report that the platelets in PRP produce signaling proteins that have antimicrobial activity, meaning they mobilize the immune system to prevent infection, which can also improve wound healing. Studies also report that bioactive molecules and growth factors reduce pain.

Studies show that the increased concentration of growth factors catalyze the body’s repair mechanisms and shorten recovery time.

Is PRP right for me?

When conservative methods fail to relieve pain and restore function, PRP therapy can help you heal with minimal scarring and halt tissue degeneration. It is a fast, painless procedure that takes just a few hours from start to finish.

To schedule a PRP consultation with Dr. Navi Arora, click here or call us during our normal business hours. We can’t wait to meet you and will do our best to help alleviate your knee and shoulder pain.